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Immediate Implants or Restorations

Immediate Restoration allows patients with missing teeth or dentures to get dental implants and natural-looking replacement teeth in just one office visit. You may have seen news stories or ads about Teeth-in-a-Day® or Teeth-in-an-Hour®, and thought they sounded too good to be true. These trademarked names, describing an accelerated surgical and restorative protocol, are more commonly called Immediate Restoration.

Immediate Restoration gives patients a new set of teeth that cannot slip, shift, or fall out, and it allows patients the freedom to eat, speak and smile with confidence.

Extensive planning is required, and approaches may vary for each patient; however, the following key elements are integral components of Immediate Restoration:

  • CT scanning and 3-D imaging allow for extremely precise dental treatment planning; thus, ensuring implants are placed in exact locations and in areas of dense bone.

  • Provisional tooth restorations are made before the patient’s appointment.

  • In a single appointment, old dentures or failing teeth are removed, several implants are placed evenly around the jaw, and a connected arch of non-removable temporary teeth is attached to the implants.

  • The provisional teeth restorations remain until osseointegration is complete. With this technique, implants remain stable because they are splinted together, and patients are thrilled that they can avoid a removable denture. Immediate Restoration can also be used for single implants when a CT scan shows that the patient’s bone is very dense. Permanent tooth restorations are placed once osseointegration is complete.